Spring Basket

Spring Basket


The perfect Easter gift combining our signature Kanz Rose Loukoum Truffles, our special Clementine Thyme Marmalade, the famous Kanz Zaatar with mixed nuts, our Tomato Kammouneh, Kanz olive oil, Kanz stuffed eggplant, 3 recycled glass recipients, as well as a Hedera Ivy plant -symbol of life.

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Kanz is a line of natural and ethical Lebanese food products and artisanal crafts.

Kanz aims to revive Lebanon’s culinary and cultural narratives by empowering the custodians of our heritage: craftsmen and women. As a platform for job creation, Kanz pledges to transmit skills to Beit el Baraka’s families.

Every product tells the stories of these small-scale producers, their villages, their traditions, and their commitment to ensuring dignified living standards for their children.

Kanz brings together food, crafts, heritage, and traditions that weave our culture while focusing on practices with high social impact.

All proceeds from Kanz go to support Beit el Baraka’s mission to create jobs for dignity.

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